The Crow
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The Showdown 2009 XviD DVDRip-Delta9
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**********************delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol********************** * * * D E L T A 9 * * * * p r e s e n t s * * * * The.Showdown.2009.XviD.DVDRip-Delta9 * * * * Year : 2009 * * Genre : Western * * Rls. Date : 04/21/2009 * * Runtime : 1hr 33mns * * Source : DVD * * Language : English * * * * * * Format : XviD/MP3 * * Size : 703 MiB * * Video : 932 kbps * * Audio : 108 kbps * * Res. : 720x400 * * FPS : 23.976 * * * * * * IMDB: * * * * * * U.S. Marshal Canfield finds himself up against the local * * gang of horse thieves and gunslingers in a showdown to * * save his love Dixie and her son from death. * * * * * **************4:20****************THC****************4:20************** Delta9 is here to close the gap between DVD->DVDRips HighDef->XviD, and anything else that needs encoding to smaller size so you can save your precious bandwidth! And of course XviD for those ppl whose comps cant handle HD (What we mean to say is, stupid scene is too damn slow sometimes) Greets fly out to : PrisM, STG, KingBen, satya87, & rok3r And all involved with Delta9, you know who you are delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Commonly known as THC) The main psychoactive ingredient in your favorite plant to smoke!
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