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640 x 480, 25.000 fps, 1005 kbit/s DivX 5.0 MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3), 128.0 kbit/s, 44100 Hz, stereo Genres: Comedy, Family Language : English IMDB :Mr. Bean (1990) ( 8.9/10 ) Life is a difficult challenge for Mr Bean, who despite being a grown adult, has trouble completing even the simplest of tasks. Thankfully, his perseverence is usually rewarded, and he finds an ingenious way around the problem. Mr. Bean is a grown man who seems to have been literally born yesterday. He gets up to ingenious oddball nonsense every episode while all the time remaining silent. When he does speak, its with a croaky voice.
Mr. Bean
The title character, played by Atkinson, is a selfish, childlike, sometimes ingenious, and generally likeable buffoon who frequently gets into hilarious situations due to his various schemes and contrivances. The show relies upon physical comedy, with Mr. Bean speaking very little dialogue.
Mr. Bean often seems unaware of basic aspects of the way the world works, and the programme usually features his attempts at what would normally be considered simple tasks, such as going swimming, redecorating or taking an exam. The humour largely comes from his original solutions to any problems and his total disregard for others when solving them. Indeed, some of Bean's actions occasionally have a particularly malevolent aspect to them.
At the beginning of episode 2 onwards, Mr.Bean falls from the sky in a beam of light. Although originally intended by the producers to show his status as an ordinary man cast into the spotlight, this was thought by many viewers to suggest that an alien race that had planted Mr. Bean on earth, a theory the animated series later followed up. Atkinson himself has acknowledged that Bean "has a slightly alien aspect to him".
Teddie is Mr. Bean's teddy bear, generally regarded as Mr. Bean's best friend. Being inanimate, he is invaluable as a trusted conspirator, easy to beat at chess and doubles as a good dish cloth or paint brush in an emergency. The bear is a dark brown, knitted oddity with button eyes and sausage-shaped limbs and invariably ends up broken in half or in various other states of destruction. Occasionally, Teddie seems to be almost animate, such as when Mr. Bean hypnotizes Teddie and snaps his fingers, making the bear's head fall backward as if he's fallen asleep instantly.
Mr. Bean's Mini
Mr. Bean's car, a MkIII Austin Mini, developed a character of sorts. At first, an orange Mini was Mr. Bean's vehicle of choice, but this was crashed at the end of the first episode. From then on, the car was lime green with a black bonnet. It made its first appearance in 'The Curse of Mr. Bean'.
The Mini was central to several antics, such as Mr. Bean getting dressed in it whilst driving or steering it whilst sitting in an armchair strapped to the roof. It also had a number of innovative security measures; Mr. Bean fitted the door with a bolt-latch and padlock, rather than use the lock fitted on the car, and he always removed the steering wheel instead of the key, which formed a running joke in several episodes, at one point deterring a car thief. The car was crushed by a tank in 'Back to School Mr. Bean', but returned in later episodes.
The Mini is often seen in conflict with a light blue Reliant Regal Supervan III, which will usually get tipped over, crashed into, bumped out of its parking space and so forth.
One of the original Mr. Bean Minis is on display at the Cars of the Stars Motor Museum in Keswick, northern England.
Other characters
Although Mr. Bean is the only significant human character in the programme, other characters appear, usually as foils for his various antics. There are only two recurring supporting characters; his sometime "girlfriend" Irma Gobb (played by Matilda Ziegler) and Mr. Sprout. However, several notable British actors and comedians appear alongside Atkinson in sketches as various one-off supporting characters, including Richard Briers, Angus Deayton, Nick Hancock, David Schneider and Richard Wilson.
Mr. Bean is unusual amongst comedy series in featuring a choral theme tune, written by Howard Goodall and performed by the Choir of Southwark Cathedral. The words sung during the title sequences are in Latin: Ecce homo qui est faba – "Behold the man who is a bean" (sung at beginning) Finis partis primae – "End of part one" (sung before the commercial break) Pars secunda – "Part two" (sung after the commercial break) Vale homo qui es faba – "Farewell, man who are a bean" (sung at end)
Goodall also wrote an accompanying music track for many episodes.
Episode 1 : Mr Bean This episode includes three frolics. First, Bean goes to a college to sit a Mathematics exam. He has studied Trigonometry, but he finds a Calculus paper in the envelope (he thinks that Calculus is the only option, and doesn't realise until the last minute that there were TWO papers in the envolope: one calculus, the other trigonometry); Second, Bean goes to the beach and tries to take off his trousers and undergarments without a ~Censored~ man seeing him (after he succeeds, it emerges that the man was actually blind); Third, Bean goes to a church, doesn't know the words to the hymns and falls asleep out of boredom. Without being seen, he tries to put a Mintie in his mouth to stay awake.
Episode 2: Good Night, Mr Bean With his hand stuck inside a teapot, Mr Bean goes to the outpatients department at hospital but loses his own patience while awaiting his turn; out with his camera he seizes a photo opportunity by re-dressing and enormously irritating an immobile sentry guard; back home, he prepares for bed but has trouble falling asleep. This was the last Mr Bean programme to appear on British television. A fourteenth half-hour, Hair By Mr Bean Of London, has been released exclusively on video (written by Robin Driscoll/Rowan Atkinson/Richard Curtis, directed by John Birkin, executive produced by Peter Bennett-Jones and produced by Sue Vertue).
Episode 3 - Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean This is all one big frolic. Bean goes to a funfair, but accidentally leaves his Mini's boot unlocked, and the handle pulls a baby's pram with it to the funfair. Once Bean sees the "kidnapped" baby, he sees no choice but to look after it while enjoying himself.
Episode 4 - The Curse of Mr. Bean This episode includes four frolics. First, Bean goes to a public swimming pool, and tries out the super-high diving board, and chickens out until two impatient boys push him off. Bean loses his swimming trunks, and must get back to the changing room unseen; Second, Bean finds he can't pay the ridiculously high parking price, and tries to get out through the entrance; Third, Bean goes to the park to have a lunch break, and makes himself a sandwich (he cuts the bread with scissors, he washes the lettuce with a fountain and uses his sock to dry it, he crushes the pepperballs with his shoe), but at the last minute, he sneezes and loses the sandwich. The man next to him offers Bean his other sandwich, which Bean gratefully accepts; Fourth, Bean goes to see A Nightmare on Elm Street with his girlfriend, and gets the scare of his life.
Episode 5 - Mr. Bean Goes To Town This episode includes four frolics. First, Bean buys a portable television for his flat, ands finds difficulty in trying to connect it and find a good reception (somehow, Bean is forced to strip and sit in a certain spot for the television to work) Second, Bean tries out his new Polaroid in the park, but it gets stolen by a thief (Nick Hancock). Bean, using a bin and a pencil, eventually tracks the thief and gets his camera back; Third, Bean gets an itch in his foot while in the town, so he takes off his shoe and sock, to scratch it. But he puts his shoe on a car's roof, and the car goes off, leaving Bean to hop through the town to find it (which he eventually does); Fourth, he attends a magic show and disco with his girlfriend, only to mess up the magic act and embarrass his girlfriend so much that she dumps him for another man. Frustrated, Bean leaves the disco, but not before shutting off the power first.
Episode 6 - Mr. Bean Rides Again This episode has four frolics. First, Bean wants to go to the post office, but his Mini-Car won't start, so he decides to catch a bus. But at the bus stop, the one man with him has a heart attack, and Bean tries to revive him with an electric shock. He succeeds, but overdoes it and causes the man to have another heart attack. An ambulance comes, and Bean drains the energy from it for his own Mini, and heads for the post-box; Second, on his way to the post-box, Bean accidentally swallows his stamp, so he steals one from a lady's letter. But when the lady comes back, he hides in the post-box as the post man empties it, and gets stuck for a few hours inside; Third, Bean tries to pack for a holiday, ridiculously reducing the size of his properties to fit them in a small briefcase. After finally managing to fit his things in the tiny briefcase, he reaches under the bed and discovers that he owned another briefcase, almost double the size of the small one; Fourth, Bean's travel starts on a train, where he tries to read a book when another man in the compartment starts laughing his head off at his joke book. Bean plugs his ears with a leftover gum, and does not hear the ticket-inspector come to see his ticket. Bean then boards an aeroplane, but is forced to look after a sick boy next to him.
Episode 7 - Mr. Bean in Room 426 This is all one big frolic. Bean goes to a posh hotel, where he gets into many escapades, by drilling holes in walls to hang his pictures, sneaking into his neighbour's bathroom to have a bath. At lunchtime, he copies his neighbour (taking the same food as him and mimicking his movements). But he also saves his oysters for last, which go bad, but Bean doesn't notice. That night, his other neighbour plays loud music, and Bean walks out of his room stark naked to knock on the door, but his own door closes, and Bean finds himself locked out of his room naked. He attempts to get down to the lobby and find the spare key, as the manager is distracted by Danny La Rue's show. Bean sneaks into LaRue's spare frock, and asks for the spare key when the manager comes back. But Danny sees him and rips a clip-on earring off his ear.
Episode 8 - Do-It-Yourself, Mr. Bean This episode includes three frolics. First, Bean invites his two friends Rupert and Hubert for a New Year party, but bores them so much that when he goes to prepare a snack, Twiglets which are actually twigs covered with Marmite, they turn his clock to midnight, and say that they are tired. Thinking that he wasted New Year's eve, Bean "coincidentally" goes to bed when the REAL New Year begins. His blood boils with anger; Second, he does a strange shopping at the January Sale (loads his car up with D.I.Y. stuff and ties an armchair to his Mini's roof, but crashes into a pillow truck); Third, Bean tries some D.I.Y., but makes messes all over the place, until he decides to paint his room white. He covers everything in newspapers, and plants a super-firework in a can of white paint. As the firework ignites, Bean runs out of the room, but doesn't notice Hubert return to the flat for his hat and get caught in the explosion. Bean goes back inside and not only sees his white room, but the cut-out of Hubert picking up his hat.
Episode 9 - Hair by Mr. Bean
Episode 10 - The Return of Mr. Bean This episode includes four frolics. First, Bean helps a busker by dancing stupidly to his music; Second, Bean tries out his new credit card at Allders. He does his shopping (he tests everything he picks up first) and accidentally loses his credit card to an old man who has the same card. Bean pick-pockets the man and gets his card back, but his hand gets stuck, and the man accidentally pulls him all the way into a toilet cubicle; Third, Bean goes to a resturaunt on his birthday and orders a steak tartare (he thought it was a real steak). Disgusted by the tatare's taste and appearance, he cuts it up and hides the pieces in different places (ashtray, handbag, violinist's pants); Fourth, Bean meets the "Queen" in a Royal Line-up, but quite unprepared (dirty nails, unbrushed teeth, unpolished shoes and smelly breath). He uses his trouser-zip to clean his fingernail, but the zip gets stuck, and he only manages to force it back up just before the Queen greets him. Preparing for a bow, Bean headbutts the Queen, and, during the confusion, makes a run for it.
Episode 11 - Back To School, Mr. Bean This outing features Mr Bean at a school's open day. Unable to park his car, he spots a similar-looking Mini and substitutes the cars. During his time at the school, he distracts calligraphers, gets in other people's way, and gets paper stuck to his body after using a Van de Graaff generator. When a lady helps Bean remove the offending piece of paper, the static electricity causes her skirt to blow up. In the science laboratory, Bean experiments with several solutions, eventually causing an explosion, with blue smoke emerging from the laboratory. Bean manages to escape in time, but a younger student is not so fortunate and is later seen covered head to toe in blue. In a still-life art class, Mr Bean is shocked and appalled at having to draw a naked woman, and promptly fashions a brassiere out of clay, allowing him to draw the woman without embarrassment. Later, at a karate lesson, a frightened Bean ultimately manages to confuse his teacher (David Schneider) and roll him up in a mat. However, when changing back into his regular clothes, he finds that his trousers are too small, and goes on a long search for them. In the gents' toilets, he spots them, cleverly seeing his name on the label while the wearer is sitting on the toilet. Bean frantically grabs the man by the legs and forces the trousers off him, as well as his underwear, which he throws back to the man – though it ends up falling down the toilet. Finally, Bean witnesses a tank demonstration, in which the tank crushes his car (recall the Mini he switched places with at the start of the episode). From the wreckage, he manages to salvage the padlock.
Episode 12 - Tee Off, Mr. Bean Doing his laundry, Mr Bean manages once again to lose his trousers; then he plays a particularly crazy game of crazy golf where he loses his ball in all the wrong places.
Episode 13 - Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean This episode includes four frolics. First, Bean shops down Oxford Street, London, and does silly things (playing with the Nativity figurines, breaking a bauble while testing it, and unplugging all the Harrod's Christmas lights while testing his own); Second, Bean meets his girlfriend in the town, where she tries to give him the message that she wants an engagement ring as a present. Later, he wins a free turkey (by cheating), and then catches a pick-pocket and gives the thief's items to a Salvation Army brass band conductor. Bean then ends up conducting the band in a ridiculous way while the conductor tries on the stuff that the pick-pocket stole; Third, Bean prepares for Christmas Eve, but bores himself with war films, and shuts the door on young carol singers without giving them anything; Fourth, Bean tries to prepare the turkey, but loses his watch while stuffing it, and pokes his head inside, getting it stuck on his head just as his girlfriend arrives, and helps him get it off. The popular US sitcom Friends later re-used this same joke. Later, they have dinner (Salami sandwiches), and Bean gives his girlfriend her present: the picture on display next to the engagement ring she wanted. She leaves the flat sobbing, leaving Bean to pull his super-*****er alone.
Episode 14 - The Trouble with Mr. Bean This episode has three frolics. First, Bean oversleeps for his appointment at the dentist and finds himself forced to change clothes and brush his teeth while driving to the dentist; Second, he arrives at the dentist (Richard Wilson), but accidentally numbs the dentist's leg, causing him to fall over. Bean decides to treat himself, but when the dentist awakens, Bean leaves; Third, Bean goes to a park and tries to have a picnic, but a ~Censored~ wasp falls desperately in love with Bean's icing-bun. Frustrated, Bean ultimately leaves his picnic site and throws the bun at a car-thief (who Bean managed to fool by taking off the steering wheel and bringing it with him during his picnic). This was the highest rated episode, with an audience of 18.74 million viewers on its original transmission.
Episode 1 : Mr Bean
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Episode 2: Good Night, Mr Bean
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Episode 3 - Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean
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Episode 4 - The Curse of Mr. Bean
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Episode 5 - Mr. Bean Goes To Town
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Episode 6 - Mr. Bean Rides Again
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Episode 7 - Mr. Bean in Room 426
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Episode 8 - Do-It-Yourself, Mr. Bean
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Episode 9 - Hair by Mr. Bean
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Episode 10 - The Return of Mr. Bean
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Episode 11 - Back To School, Mr. Bean
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Episode 12 - Tee Off, Mr. Bean
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Episode 13 - Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean
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Episode 14 - The Trouble with Mr. Bean
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Episode 15 - The Library
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Episode 16 - The Bus Stop
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Episode 17 - The Best Bits of Mr. Bean
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Episode 18 - The Story of Mr. Bean
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