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Your Uninstaller! uninstaller program is the industry's leading uninstaller program. World's the 1st smart Drag&Uninstall uninstaller program under the Windows platform. Using Your Uninstaller! is as easy as using the recycle bin. Imagine! Just a drag-drop and the program you don't want will disappear from your computer-- as well as everything the unwanted program brings! Your Uninstaller! is a user-friendly way of removing unneeded applications on your computer. It can even remove some annoying spywares! How does it work? Perhaps you are wondering how Your Uninstaller! uninstaller program completely removes applications so quickly. As you know, there are many installers in the world, such as InstallShield, Wise Installer, Microsoft Installer and many others. Most applications are built using these installers. Each installer has a unique install database, which makes it difficult to find all the changes programs' make to your computer. That's why other uninstallers can only uninstall part of an application-leaving some files and registry keys. To solve this problem, Your Uninstaller! uses it's unique technique: SmartUninstall. SmartUninstall has a database containing information about all installers on the market; so when it uninstalls a program, it automatically detects which installer the application used, then it simply uninstalls the application properly. That's the reason Your Uninstaller! can detect and completely remove all the programs and icons on your computer. Sounds complex? It's not! All the steps used by Your Uninstaller! are done with simple clicks. You won't even notice the analysis process. Completely Uninstall Your Uninstaller! uninstaller program completely takes the place of Windows Add/Remove program, while offering you many more features. Your Uninstaller can list "hidden" programs that you can't view using the Windows Add/Remove program. The standard Add/Remove program often can't uninstall applications completely-leaving broken registry keys and unused files on the hard disk. Big registries and large numbers of unnecessary files make system slow. Your Uninstaller! clears broken keys and files in seconds using SmartUninstall! Fast and User-Friendly Your Uninstaller! uninstaller program starts 500-1000% times faster than Windows Add/Remove program. It also appropriately loads all applications and icons, so you can easily find the programs you wish to uninstall. Your Uninstaller! also contains a handy search function. Easy to use Your Uninstaller! automatically detects broken registry keys from you Add/Remove list, and clears them entirely with your permission. Your Uninstaller! can also detect unused files left by previous uninstalls-it will prompt you before it completely the deletes these files. Even a single drag-drop performs an uninstall process! All Your Uninstaller! processes come with step-by-step instructions and can be performed with a few simple clicks or drag-drops. Get rid of spywares Your Uninstaller! also contains an internal Startup Organizer that safely removes or hides unwanted auto-run applications. This program is very useful for finding spy programs. The Startup Organizer can also search all possible startup locations; it then lists these applications and their details for you. You can even add your own auto-runners into startup folders, your registry, etc. Remember to use Your Uninstaller! weekly to Make your PC Fast and Clean!
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pus acum 16 ani |